Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Staying On Point

I'm still working on some on my same issues. A few more have been added. So many that I've decided to put it all down in a book. Don't ask when it'll be out. I don't know. I've got a few ahead of it. But I'm committed and have done some work on it. So it's gonna happen. There have been and I hear almost everyday about the advances that have been made in diagnosing, treating and working with breast cancer patients. That's all good. No, it's great news. But seems like I'm hearing about more and more reoccurances of this horrific disease, and there's still so many new casses. One thing we all have to do is get a better diet and stick with it. I'm as guilty as anybody. I didn't realize how persuasive and convincing I could be in justifying some of the stuff I eat that I know is not good for me. Then there's the exercise. It's so good for all of us with this disease. But something always comes up to keep me from going to the gym, or getting out and walking; unless I'm at the mall, where most of what I'm doing is stopping to look at displays, and going to the makeup counter; and even trying on clothes. I know I need to be doing my situps, lunges, stretches, and even going and getting those same two cans of mackerels out of the pantry and doing a few arms curls. It wouldn't hurt. I know I need to keep the sugar out of my diet and that soda's are bad for me. But somehow I feel deprived and let myself revert back and have a seven up or sprite now and then. I keep hoping the taste for will disappear. So far it ain't happened. And then there's the candy. I read and heard that chocolate's not that bad and maybe is really good for me. It has something we need. But I don't like the dark kind. So I convince myself that a little milk chocolate every now and then is not too bad. It's chocolate. Oh, I know it's not the right kind, but I get to feeling like I can cheat a little sometimes. Then there's a good vitamin regiment. Seems like that Vitamin D pill gets bigger and bigger. It's huge. So maybe I'll skip it a few times. Yes. I know I need to drink water, keep the sugar, flour, salt, out of stuff that's cooked for me to eat. But when you find yourself at those birthday, anniversary, family gathering, church events that always include potlucks, and everybody you know wants you to try a little of some of what they brought, and you don't want to hurt their feelings. Plus they are always there serving the food and load up your plate up with what they brought, and of course they're there sitting at the same table with you asking how you liked it. Oh, I know I've gotta stay strong and do what I know I must do so I can keep things going right. So, I've made a new commitment this day, and I think that's how I've gotta do it, on a day to day basis. Weekly or monthly leaves too much times and space for getting off course. So when we're out don't tell me you don't think a tiny bit of cake won't hurt. It will. I can't have sugar, not even a little. Because a little of this and that will often turn into a lot and more than I need. Thanks for being my friend. I'm working to stay on point. Sue