Monday, June 9, 2008

Been to New York

I been talking about getting away from home and taking a trip, and seeing some of the world we live in. Bet you thought I was just talkin'? Didn't think I'd do it, huh? Thought I was dreamin' and gabbin' didn't you? I was sorta was at first. But... Well-l-l... Ha! Ha! I did it! Yes! Me! And it almost didn't happen. A week and a half before my insistent girlfriend convinced me to go with her, I got sick. I mean really sick. Don't think I was subconsciously tryin' to get out of it. I believe I got careless with my diet; plus I wasn't exercising, or getting enough sleep, and maybe worrying about something trivial. But anyway... It got so bad I couldn't get outta' bed without help. Thought I might be headed back to the hospital. Didn't want that... so I fought it. I got on the grains, fresh fruit,drank water, and more water. Stayed off the salt, sugars, fruit juices; ate stalks and stalks of celery, apples, granola... I got regular, and I read (the good stuff) Emerson, Wayne Dyer..., no newspapers, no tv news. I meditated, prayed and collected all the positive energy I could. That plus the heating pad pulled me through. It wasn't easy, don't think it was. But I made it just in time. I had to see NY. And it was worth it. I only had three days and two nights to do it. In that time I saw a broadway show, "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." More about that later. Went to Grand Central Station, even sang with one of the resident entertainers we stop to see in switching trains. That's also another story for later. Went to China town. So fun! I gotta' go back. So much I didn't do and see. Can't wait for my next adventure. I recommend it. I was energized And now I'm ready to go again. Philly here I come! Sue

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